Lord of the Rings Rivendell Tankard.
Lord of the Rings Aragon Tankard.
Dragon Coil Tankard.
Anne Stokes Legends Tarot Cards
Apex handmade conch spirals.
Apex handmade daith with attachment..
Apex handmade daith jewellery with attachment hole.
Apex handmade daith piece with attachment.
Apex handmade daith piece with attachment hole.
Anatometal internally threaded 6mm prong set attachment.
Rainbow Meditation incense holder
REDUCED: 18k Yellow Gold Diamond curved cluster. 1.2mm internally threaded.
Slytherin stocking
Present Cat
REDUCED: 18k Yellow Gold, Diamond pear attachment.
Mandrake Hanging Ornament
Harry Potter Gryffindor Stocking Hanging Ornament
Harry Potter Ravenclaw Stocking Hanging Ornament
Harry Potter - Hermione Hanging Ornament
Junipurr hot rod threadless attachment. 14k gold.
Palmist's Guide (Black)